5 Best LDS Forums For Mormons

LDS Forums

LDS Forums


In MormonHub.com, you can share lessons, talks, ideas for callings, product reviews, book reviews, website links, photos, video clips, appropriate humor, conversion stories, quotes, poems, and so on. You may also network with some members and receive or give mentoring. Members can also strengthen marriages, families, family mission statements, family traditions, preserving memories, and scrapbooking. This forum will also help you prevent or survive divorce, get rid of unwanted media influences, and recover from addiction. Members may also discuss sharing the Gospel, learn how to begin a blog, share testimonies online, post videos and photos. There are also forums about parents, families of the missionaries, and missionary reunions.


Tech.LDS.org is a forum that basically contains discussions about keep individuals and families safe while taking advantage of technology. Acceptable topics range from the ways to protect families from the internet predators as well as online pornography. Some discussions are about promoting safe technology and internet use, monitoring and protecting computer game usage, locking any unwanted movies and television from different devices, and protecting and monitoring text messaging and cell phone usage. Other discussions do not fit into well-defined box. Those who have joined this growing community, members can discuss general issues and topics about the technology offerings and church.


MormonDialogue.org is a forum about general discussions and everything related to Mormons. For discussions and topics about LDS doctrine, geography, history, and so on, members are advised to stay on the topic and off-topic posts are blocked or deleted. Posts that are dedicated to the current trends or events in the mainstream media that deal with topics regarding the LDS church and some general announcements are welcome. Every person who joins MormonDialogue.com should follow such guidelines. Failing to follow the board guidelines would result in limited posting, permanent banning, and suspension. The main purpose of this forum is that LDS people are welcome to discuss anything related to LDS.


Discussion of the principles related to the law of God, freedom, proper government role, US Constitution, liberty, agency, and so on are welcome in LDS Freedom Forum. It is also a place for all conservative women to discuss real women’s liberation, the fact about feminism, the role of women in healing the US, and much more. LDS Freedom Forum also allows discussing current events and political news items. For discussions about emergency preparedness, water, and food storage, self-sufficiency, gardening, building, light, heat or guns, LDS Freedom Forum also allows it. Members can also discuss news, prophecies about Zion, revelations, and events.


This LDS forum is basically subreddit for topics and articles of interest to those who are interest in the Mormon themes. However, everything that should be posted here must be related to Mormon or LDS. Anything that is abusive and off topic will be removed or blocked. That is the reason why members of this forum must take note of guidelines. You may read over the submission for mistakes before you submit, particularly your submission’s title. Content and comments of self posts may be edited after submitted. Yet, the post title cannot be. See to it that the facts you have given are accurate to prevent confusion.